Sunday, December 28, 2008


...or coping with the strangeness that sometimes comes from engaging in that particular behaviour.

Since my birthday last week I have been suffering/enjoying vivid dreams on an almost nightly basis. Usually violent in nature (and part of the reason for my last post) but sometimes overly sexual.

A couple of them I would classify as lucid dreaming. As soon as I realize I am in an altered state, I remember I can exert control over my actions. Usually the narrative has been pretty straight forward and I feel compelled to follow the plot as I'm expected to, but once and a while it doesn't seem right so I change what's going on (from dodging knives being thrown at me to grabbing the knives and stabbing them into the ground, unfortunately I don't recall who was doing the throwing, but there a long jacket involved on their part... I can't even recall the gender).

There have been times when I have woken up in a startled state.

There have been times when I have woken up in a highly aroused states.

There have been times when I want to stay under the blanket because certain things in the world seem more horrible than they really are. As a direct result of the dream as opposed to the world being a big bad place(tm).

Maybe there is an increase in energy flow recently that is, in part, making me more susceptible to this vivid dreaming.

One more thing, I've really been enjoying the feel of water recently.

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