Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Triangle (movie)

Last Tuesday, Space started to broadcast the three part series The Triangle. It had been something I had meant to see back in 2005 when it originally aired.

In part because of Catherine Bell, Eric Stoltz, Sam Neill (actors I enjoy watching) and in part because I was intrigued by the director, Bryan Singer (the first two X-Men movies).

While I have had a passing interesting in the Bermuda Triangle over the years, it has never really held a long term focus for me. I guess I find it a bit too... subjective ...and I figure that things yet lost all off the time in the ocean. What brings me back around to the triangle on occasion is that I find it intriguing that there is one specific area that ships, boats and planes (and the people that go with them) seem to disappear and that there is radar logs that seem to back them up.

I do remember vividly back in grade eight, that my science teacher has cut outs from the National Enquirer regarding Flight 19. I remember staring at it and just wondering.

Maybe I was bored in that class.

But anyways...

While watching this mini series, it is postulated that maybe the triangle is a home to wormholes and other dimensions.

Other dimensions are strange to me.

Intellectually I can see them having a purpose in the universe (at least mathematically). But I seem to have a problem believing the casual interaction between the dimension I inhabit and other ones. I suppose that's one reason why they call it exotic.

This leads me to think about where I consider other beasties to come from and what the Mayan's meant by spiritual transformation in 2012. I'm pretty sure that time (as I understand it) will always continue forward in a linear manner (or more accurately that we will continue to measure it going forward because we like to impose some sense of order to the universe, even if we aren't 100% sure that the way we're doing it is correct).

Back to beasties. I suspect that they are still from "our" dimension. Why can't we detect them with our usual five senses? Hell if I know, I'm just "happy" that I get a feeling of "them" once and while and make some sort of interpretation of it without being too "mad" in the process.

For some reason, I'm feeling more apprehensive about Dec. 21st 2012 more than I have about other dates. It seems useless to plan that far ahead, but maybe I'm just feeling nervous about the future in general given what's going on. I still hope to pull off an end of the world / birthday party that year.

I am at odds with something more personal though.

I'm having a very tough time accepting what I seem to do on a regular basis (observe and predict) and how I should feel about it. I could just be lucky.

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